How to start a local group

If there are no groups in your area for single Christians, it’s worth considering starting one of your own. This is not as hard, or as daunting, as you might imagine. You just have to be clear about what you want to achieve.

The key things to consider are:

  • What type of event?

  • Who you want to attract?

  • If the focus should be mainly faith, social, or both?

  • The size of the group

  • If you want a regular or one-off event?

What type of event?

From simple meals out to sporting activities, there is a wide range of events that you could consider. Your choice will depend on what you are aiming to achieve and, more importantly, the people with whom you wish to engage.

Are there particular singles that you wish to attract?

Will your group be open to all singles – Christian and non-Christian – and to all ages or are you aiming for a specific demographic?  For instance, if you wish to attract those of limited means and who perhaps struggle in social situations then a church based event, offering free food and transport might be a suitable option.

Will your group focus on faith, social events, or both?

If you intend to run events for your church or church group then having a faith focus, such as bible studies, with some interaction and a meal together could work well. But, if you are planning to involve singles from many different local churches, it’s likely that a social focus would be more beneficial.

Do you want to create a small or a large group?

A small group is easier to start and organise. If you just want to attract people from your own church, you could start by meeting at the church or your home, which would keep costs down.

The success of your group will depend on relationships among the members. Should relationships prove difficult, small groups can stagnate and people will lose interest. For more ‘active’ larger groups, attracting a constant flow of new people, you will need to run a variety of regular activities and publicise them well. If you belong to a large church, or group of churches, you could make it church-based. Otherwise off site at local restaurants, or perhaps cultural outings and walks.

How regularly do you want to hold events?

Start small and allow your group and team of helpers to grow. Give yourself at least a year to get something regular off the ground. Depending on your resources, you might want to start with an informal monthly meetup and gradually add more activities.

But, if running regular events long term isn’t for you, why not consider a large one-off event instead? It’s worth remembering that the imbalance of men to women in most churches can make some events – such as a ball or speed dating – difficult. So it makes sense to choose something that appeals to both genders, without setting unrealistic expectations.

Do I have what it takes to start a group?

Why not you? As a single Christian you will understand those who are in a similar situation. If you also possess good organisational skills, have the time to commit and the capability to engage well with people, then you have what it takes to start or lead a group.

Having a team to share responsibilities will help you have opportunities to be ‘off duty’ to enjoy yourself, connect with others or just have a break. It also means that you can have all the relevant skills within the team rather than needing to be good at everything. Not everyone on your team needs to be single themselves.


Payer is key - asking some friends to praying for you consistently can prevent you from feeling isolated or overwhelmed as you step out on this new venture. If this isn’t possible, having friends to whom you can talk with and get encouragement from can make a real difference.

Spread the word

Once you’ve made a plan, you’ll probably want to spread the word out further than your own social circle. Asking if you can make an announcement at church or connecting with other churches or Christians in your local area can be a good place to start. Once you’re up and running, you can also advertise your local group on our website.


Organise a meet up after church


Adopting as a single person