Attending festivals solo

There are an increasing number of large gatherings of Christians - to learn, to have fun and to worship. Some last a single day and others up to five days. Others are drop-in and are intended for you to stay as long or short as you like.

What they all have in common is that they BIG and that there are many activities.  A lot of those activities appear to be supporting parents with children, so it is easy both to feel a bit lost and excluded. All the Festivals are now making a real effort to include single people, some with their own special streams to help think through the issues you face while single. 

We’ve compiled our top list of suggestions and insights from festival goers on how to get the best festival experience. In no particular order…

1. Volunteer!

Either be an official volunteer or just offer your help to a particular organiser, cause, exhibitor or venue. When Christian Connection ran speed dating, they were always short of helpers and were delighted to welcome friendly volunteers.  

2. Buy a festival guide.

Plan your weekend, but still enjoy the unexpected and chance meetings… this is part of the festival experience.

3. Chat to people in the queues.

You’re attending the same event so you already share a common interest. At the end of a talk or session, turn to the person next to you and share your thoughts.

4. Eat with friends.

Make mealtimes social. Find out who else is coming. If you bump into friends, arrange a few lunches and dinners. Make it a time when you can look forward to being with other people.

5. Do your own thing

Grab a book and a coffee & relax. Go where you like, when you like. Dip in & out. Contemplate. Pray. Meditate. Listen to music. There are no rules!

6. Pick a venue and hang out.

Go somewhere were you can grab a drink and mix and mingle with others. Who knows who you might bump into?

7. Don’t feel upset when confronted with “exclusive” behaviour

– groups asking you to move to give them space or not letting you take a seat. Expect it and don’t worry. Forgive them. They just don’t get it.

8. Look out for organised activities

pub quizzes, organised walks, interactive events including alternative worship services.

9. Soak it up.

Try a little bit of everything, or nothing. Don’t feel pressured – take your time, go at your pace. Soak up the sun (or rain!!) and the atmosphere.

10. Pitch up next to other single festival goes.

Avoid the family areas and find people you connect with.

Remember, lots of people go to festivals on their own – you are one of many. You have every right to be there, and being on your own is not the same as being alone. There will be good moments and less good moments. A bit like life, and the same for most of us.


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