Holiday ideas for single Christians

Holidays can sometimes be a sore spot for single people. While the prospect of going on holiday alone might not appeal, you shouldn’t have to miss out on a summer holiday because you don’t have a partner or family to travel with, or cannot afford a trip away.

With summer approaching, thoughts turn to planning a much-needed break. For those of us without a partner or family, planning a break may involve some lateral thinking, but it also means we have the flexibility to do something different and enjoy the company of a wide variety of people. Here are a few options to consider…

Going solo

For some singles, going on holiday alone is nothing to be fazed by. We’ve all got at least one single friend who regularly sets off to explore far-flung corners of the globe, filling their social media with exciting pictures from exotic locations. Travelling alone may seem intimidating, but if you’re the adventurous sort who enjoys your own company, don’t rule it out. Solo travellers often report making friends with other hotel guests or meeting others on the trail with whom they link up for parts of their journey. After you’ve done it once, you may realise it’s easier than you expect – but always follow safety precautions in unfamiliar places and cultures, and make sure someone knows where you are.

Married couples don’t always agree on what makes a good holiday, meaning both people end up frustrated and unsatisfied. In fact, some couples holiday separately for that reason. Singles are able to do exactly what they want, when they want. There’s freedom in being able to take off alone, explore locations you’ve always wanted to see and please no one but yourself.

“I sometimes go away with friends, but I’m also very happy travelling on my own. It means I can do exactly what I want, and there are always people willing to help you. I’ve recently been around Malaysia, and spent two weeks volunteering at a project in South Africa.”

- Rosa

Group tours and package holidays

If heading off alone isn’t for you, there are many group holidays available. From exploring the Greek islands to trekking to Machu Picchu, there are packages to suit every taste. Some people go with friends, but there will always be other singles who are keen to make friends. So consider what adventures you’ve always dreamed of, and make them happen! Check out for ideas and inspiration. There are also several Christian holiday companies and social groups that offer trips for singles (see below).

“Group tours have been the best trips of my life – Australia and New Zealand; Thailand and Cambodia; and Israel, Egypt and Jordan. You’re on your own, but you’re not… there are other people to socialise with and I’ve made some great friends.” – Callie

“I’m a serious cyclist, so every year I go on a group cycling trip. These have included tours across Scotland, Sweden and Cuba. The organisation is all done for me, I get some great cycling and I meet nice people.” – Tom

Christian holiday companies

There are several companies that specialise in holidays for Christians. Some are designed specifically for singles; some flag up particular trips for solo travellers; and some are aimed at anyone but are often particularly attractive to singles. Trips for singles aren’t aimed at people trying to meet a partner (although you never know!), but rather those who find themselves without a travel companion. Even packages that aren’t specifically for singles are welcoming to solo travellers, and you’ll find a friendly bunch of like-minded people with whom to enjoy your trip. Check out the following companies (Single Friendly Church cannot endorse any company, so please do your research and decide what’s best for you):

Some Christian festival organisations also create holiday opportunities.  For example Spring Harvest has an adults only break in France and a special price for solo travellers.

The following Christian social groups arrange occasional holidays for members:

“I go skiing with Oak Hall every year. It saves on costs and organisation, and I’ve made quite a few friends – we now arrange to be on the same trips so we can catch up and ski together.” Russ

Joining together

If you have single friends, you could consider planning a holiday together. Whether it’s a city break, island hopping, camping trip or a Christian festival, you can enjoy quality time together while reducing costs (for instance, by sharing a room). You can also do this with a married friend, with their spouse’s blessing.

Talking of married friends, couples and families are sometimes happy to include single friends when planning holidays, so don’t be afraid to float the idea with close friends. Meals and days out can be spent together, and when they head off for couple or family time, you can sink into a good book in peace. At Single Friendly Church Network, we’d like to see churches encouraging couples and families to think of their single friends when planning holidays.

“I went on a cruise with my best friend and her husband, son and parents. I’ve known them all for over 20 years – they’re like family. It was lovely.” - Sarah

Visiting friends and family

Most of us have friends or family around the UK and/or overseas who we don’t see as often as we’d like. Social media, phone calls and Zoom are all very well, but it’s not the same as seeing someone in person. Many singles use their holidays to visit those loved ones. It’s often a cheap break, too.

Most people have busy lives and responsibilities, so visits may have to be planned well in advance. If you’re concerned about taking up too much of your host’s time, you could take a “tour” of friends within reasonable distance of each other, staying a couple of days with each. If there isn’t room to stay in their home or you don’t want to impose, websites such as or are good for finding cheap deals at local hotels. This also allows you to retreat if they’re busy or you want time alone.

Church holidays

Churches are perfectly placed for a group getaway or annual holiday. Many churches take over a conference centre, holiday park or budget hotel for a week or weekend during an off-peak season to keep costs low. Others arrange group trips to events such as Spring Harvest, Big Church Festival or Greenbelt. This gives the congregation a chance to build deeper relationships. Perhaps you could suggest this to your church leaders?

If there’s no official church holiday, a group of members could still get together to hire a big villa or farmhouse, and couples, families and singles invited to book in. However, it’s important this doesn’t become an “exclusive club”, leading to people feeling left out, and try to be mindful of those on a low budget too.

“My church hires a Christian conference centre for a long weekend every autumn, and most of us attend. As a single mum on a low budget, this has become our annual family holiday. My kids and I love spending time with our church friends, and we’re closer to them as a result.” - Maria


More resources

Church in the summer holidays - how you can help your church stay connected

Events for single Christians


Books on singleness


“I want to visit another church”