Books on singleness

There are lots of excellent books and resources out there about Christian singleness, dating and living well as a single Christian. Here are some suggestions that represent a variety of different tastes and church traditions.

Please be aware that we at Single Friendly Church Network have not read every book on this list, so we cannot endorse or recommend every one. Please do your own research before reading or recommending to others. If you have any feedback positive or negative, or suggestions of books we’ve missed, you are welcome to email us to let us know.

Singleness – general

7 Myths about Singleness by Sam Allberry

Beyond Singleness: How to Make Better Relationships, by Helena Wilkinson

True Friendship: Walking Through Life with Your Christian Friends, by Vaughan Roberts

Single Minded: Being Single, Whole and Living Life to the Full, by Kate Wharton

Singles at the Crossroads: a Fresh Perspective on Christian Singleness, by Albert Y. Hsu

Singlehood Redefined, Ed. by Adam and Bethany Smith

Reaching Single Adults by Dennis Franck, a Single Adults Minister in the USA for over 25 years.

Party of One: Truth, Longing, and the Subtle Art of Singleness, by Joy Beth Smith


Transforming the Struggles of Tamars: Single Women and Baptistic Communities by Lina Andronoviene (Eugene: Wipf & Stock, 2014) This is the best overview of the issues, summary of a way forward and references to work already published that we've found, particularly for single women. Ignore the title of the book and treat it as an in-depth study of singleness and the church. It's available both as Kindle and hard-copy.

A Biblical Theology of Singleness, by Barry Danylak (Grove booklet B 45)
God's kingdom grows by creating spiritual children instead of physical children. Substantive version of this PhD study has since been written.

Singleness and the Early Church: Encouragement for Living the Single Life in Christ Today, by Kathryn Wehr (Grove booklet S 123)
Helping Single Christians think through their Calling, Prayer and Sexuality.

Water is Thicker than blood: An Augustinian Theology of Marriage and Singleness, by Jana Marguerite Bennett
Academic theological study of St Augustine's writing on marital status and how faith in local church communities can be built whether single or married.

Divorce and Remarriage in the 1st and 21st Century, by David Instone-Brewer (Grove Booklet B 19)
How First Century Jews and First Century Christians understood the prohibitions and allowances for divorce. Followed by an application for 21st Century.

Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible: A Fresh Look at What Scripture Teaches (Jay Adams Library)
Many pastors, counsellors, and theologians consider this book the most helpful on the issue of marriage and divorce.

Singleness in church

One by One: Welcoming the Singles in Your Church, by Gina Dalfonzo

The Proper Care and Feeding of Singles: How Pastors, Marrieds, and Church Leaders Effectively Support Solo Members, by R.M. Buchanan

Single in Church: Myths & Possibilities, by Aukelien van Abbema

Chapter in 7 Reasons Your Church Needs More Men edited by Annabel Clarke and Nathan Blackaby

Dating and relationships

Boundaries for Dating: Making Dating Work, by Dr Henry Cloud and Dr John Townsend

The Five Love Languages: the Secret to Love that Lasts, by Gary Chapman

Dating Dilemma: a Romance Revolution, by Rachel Gardner & Andre Adefope

Dare to Date, by Aukelien van Abbema

Notes on Love: Being Single and Dating in a Marriage Obsessed Church by Lauren Windle


Going Solo: The Extraordinary Rise and Surprising Appeal of Living Alone, by Eric Klinenberg. A USA secular approach to the rise of singleness, their attitudes and fears, plus historical factors giving rise to this phenomenon in Western societies. Useful background as no equivalent for the UK.

Solo Planet: How Singles Help the Church Rediscover our Calling, by Anna Broadway (mention of Single Friendly Church).

Relatable: Exploring God, Love & Connection in the Age of Choice, by Vicky Walker.


Survival tips for single Christians


Holiday ideas for single Christians